


A food themed memory game that makes use of random images provided by the Foodish API. Match pairs of images in as few moves as possible and as fast as you can. Keep trying until you manage to beat your personal best!


  • Vanilla JS.
  • Theme changer.
  • Three difficulty modes.
  • Record personal bests for number of moves and time taken in local storage.
  • CSS card flipping animations.
  • Partially responsive - built with mobile in mind mainly.


This app was made as my submission for one of Scrimba's Weekly Web Dev Challenges (2 Feb 2021). Having previously focused on increasing my React skills, I felt like I needed a refresher on how to build a fully functioning single page application using only vanilla JavaScript. Built casually over the course of 3-5 days, this was a fun little filler project that served it's purpose well.